About Ren | About Jonathan | About Oliver |
Ren is a transmasc teenager writer, with a passion for different varieties of art. He goes by he or it pronouns. He enjoys writing poetry, horror, fantasy, and sometimes(most of the time) all three. One of it's current works-in-progress is a story in the form of a poem, following a bard through his adventure and meeting people along the way, while attempting to complete the main goal as well: return the lost noble. As stereotypical as the book's plot seems, it takes an interesting dive through many other stereotypes and twists them in different ways. Ren has a published "Poem of the Month" on festivalforpoetry.com, analyzed by Sleeping Eurydice. Ren's idea of making a website for small authors alike is what made this website come to be. It is collaborating with friends(the other founders, thank them for helping) and allowing the userbase to turn their ideas into reality as well. |
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Oliver Rose is testing out html because he doesn't know html help (temp text) |
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